Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Auditions for The Emperor’s Fading Light: Pride Goeth - 15 Rolls available!

Auditions for The Emperor’s Fading Light: Pride Goeth

15 Rolls available!  Most not specific to gender.

Submissions must me in .mp3 format. Submit one file per part being auditioned for. If you are auditioning for multiple parts at same time, please submit separate files. Title the file you are submitting “[name of character] [space] [your initials].mp3”. So of you are auditioning for the part of Hamlet and your name is John Doe, the file would be called hamlet jd.mp3.

While recording, begin the file by clearly stating your name and the part you are auditioning for. Then say the line number you are reading and read the line. When finished, move on to the next line if there is a next line. If you wish to do multiple takes of a single line for the sake of trying alternative voices or accents please do so, but limit the file to 4 such takes. If you want to try more than 4, please submit additional files. If you are submitting more than one file for a part, please number the files (hamlet jd1.mp3 as an example). Also please consider that the quality of the recording you submit, in addition to the voice used, is going to be taken into consideration when casting these roles. Any electronic alteration, modulation, etc. done to voices for making them sound more alien or robotic will be done in post production, so there is no need for you to worry about that. Just deliver the lines as best you are able.

Auditions are due by January 18, 2012.

Email submissions to emperorsfadinglight@gmail.com with the name of the character being auditioned for in the message text. Any additional information you wish to provide in the body of the email will be welcome.

HUMANS: 10 parts including civilians, Imperial Guard officers and enlisted, and Space Marines.  Most are non-gender specific.  Any accent.  Parts will be distributed bases on submissions.

Line 1:  (angrily) I am an astartes!

Line 2:  (whispering)  I thought I heard something in the darkness.

Line 3: (bitter)  You wouldn’t have to fly my plane if you hadn’t crashed your own, idiot.

Line 4:  You obviously don’t think, peasant.  I’ll deal with you after I’ve dealt with the scum outside.  

Line 5:  I have served in the Emperor’s navy for almost two centuries.  I have before this moment been terrified.

ORKS: 5+ parts.  As orks are without gender, any gender may submit auditions.  Voics will be modified in post production.  Cockney accents.  Parts will not be written with the accent, but please deliver them as such.

Line 1:  We hate you.  We eat your bones.

Line 2:  (frightened)  Warboss says we take one alive.  It is our mission.

Line 3:  The humies and the beakies belted the other clan boys up there.

Line 4:  (laugh)

Line 5:  Waaagh! (long & loud… please watch the peaks on your meter)

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